Student Resources
McCoy College of Business has a variety of resources, both student-led and led by professional providers, for promoting a successful and positive experience within our Bobcat community.

Clubs and Organizations
Get involved in one of the many student organizations available within the finance & economics department. Student-led groups include:
- Financial Management Association
- Student Economics Association (SEA)
- Net Impact
- Association of Latino Professionals in Finance and Accounting (ALPFA)

McCoy Academic Advising:

Departmental Registration Requests:

Student Managed Investment Fund
Through the process of buying and selling for the balanced portfolio of 75% equities and 25% fixed-income investments, students are exposed to dealing with domestic equities, exchange-traded funds, international holdings, and derivatives.
T. Paul Bulmahn Research and Trading Lab
The T. Paul Bulmahn Research and Trading Lab is a state-of-the-art facility that allows students to experience a “real world” trading room. The lab contains 30 dual-monitor workstations for students. Each workstation is loaded with a plethora of software, including Crystal Ball, a predictive modeling software package and FactSet, software from a leading provider of financial information and analytic applications for investment professionals.

Internships & Student Employment
Counsels students on lease reviews, criminal law, family law, employment law, immigration law, consumer and civil matters, contract law, simple wills, and name and gender marker changes. The office can show students how to find outside agencies or private attorneys concerning legal issues for which we cannot provide assistance.